Little Man has decided to follow ET into the exciting world of Lacrosse. He has been going to a Lacrosse Camp all week with a bunch of his friends to learn fundamentals of the game. ET has already played for two years, so we have some catching up to do. But, with Little Man's exceptional skills in scooping, throwing and running, I'm sure he'll be up to speed in no time. Oh, and did I mention there's something called "Checking" where you hit guys as hard as you can (only not in the head) with your lacrosse stick to try and make them drop the ball? Yeah, that's his favorite part.
Last night, after camp, we picked up the boys and took them over to their school. The class rosters had been posted and they wanted to see who was in their class and who their teacher was.
After their initial disappointment at not being in a class together, there was much hootin' and hollerin' over the class lists.
"You got Crybaby Carl in your class!'
"Well, you got Kate the Kisser in your class!"
"Oh no, I have Nerdy Neil in my class!"
and they would laugh and holler....
School starts Monday!!!