Little Man got an introduction to Track & Field events this month with an introductory session the YMCA held for 3d and 4th graders. They had practices for several weeks and got introduced to the concept of relay races, sprints, long-jump, high-jump and softball throwing. A meet was held on May 3 (I know, I know. I'm late getting this up) and all of the elementary schools in Highland Park district and some of the private schools competed against each other.
Little Man raced in the 400m and competed in the high-jump and the softball throw.
The funniest part for me was watching the reality check that occurred during the course of this meet. During practices, leaders emerged in each category. Little Man would come home saying, "Johnny is the fastest kid in school. He beats everybody in the 100m race." or "Steve can throw the ball so far. He's probably going to play for the Rangers when he grows up"

And then they got to the meet and competed against the other schools. Who all have their own leaders. And some of their guys kicked our guys
asses. It was just kind of funny to see them realize that their little bubble is not all there is. And the kid who's top dog at their school might not be so hot when thrown into the sea of life. Hmmmm. That was a new reality check for some of them. Good life lesson.
Fortunately we had a nice day for the FOUR HOUR meet I had to endure. I mean, I love my boy and all, but FOUR HOURS of watching kids run around in circles... ARGH! The boys had a lot of fun - and that's what counts. All's well that ends well.
Little Man came in second place in his heat of the 400m race. Whoo Hoo!
The motley 3d grade Bradfield Crew