Nestlé has teamed up with KaBOOM!, a national nonprofit that helps communities in need build playgrounds. Look for codes on specially marked packages of NESTLÉ® CRUNCH® and other NESTLÉ® and WONKA® fun size bags. Enter your code here and Nestlé will make a 25¢ donation (up to $30,000) to KaBOOM! to help build community playgrounds.

They will also have the opportunity to designate a $30,000 KaBOOM! grant to a deserving community-build playground project. Winner will help choose community-build project by either selecting a project from a KaBOOM! list or you can help identify a new community-build playground project in a community of his or her choice.
Might I recommend Bowie Elementary in South Dallas!!!
To make it more fun, Nestle is sending me a summer fun-pack to give-away through my site. One lucky winner will receive a Cause for Play Starter Kit containing CRUNCH brand frisbees, jump ropes, shovels, rubber balls as well as great Nestle CRUNCH product (Approx $30 value).
To enter to win, shoot me an e-mail to OhSoCynthia@hotmail.com and put "KaBoom!" in the subject line. If you want to enter from twitter, you can send me a Direct Message and say "KaBoom!". Every time you RT (re-tweet) about the contest with a link to this post, you will be granted another chance to win for helping to spread the word. You can also comment on this post for entry.
I will take all of the entries from e-mail and twitter or by commenting to this blog post and select a winner at random. Contest ends 6-30-09.
Good luck! Now, go buy some candy bars!