I had my 25 year high-school reunion earlier this summer. SHOCKING, I know because I still look 35. Right?! (Humor me here...) I woke up the morning of the reunion, picked up my son's craft scissors from school and whacked off my hair. Bangs to be exact.
See before and after:

I wasn't sorry I cut them. I didn't want to go for the long, side-swept bang. No sir, if I was going to do it, I was committing and going all the way. And I totally loved it. For about a month. Because this is the other thing about me that prompts my rash decision-making, is that I get bored easily. I like change. And when you have bangs, you can't change much about your hair. You're kind of stuck with one look. So, my penance is that I will now spend the next year growing out the bangs.
I went to see my stylist, Daniel Lewis at Green Peridot Salon, last week to have him try and blend them in better as they are growing out. And do you know what he told me?! That I looked like Helen Hunt circa 1995. I think he's just irritated because people are going to think he cut my bangs... hee hee.

Dang. It's going to be a long year...
UPDATE: My friend Jennifer B. just commented on Facebook and said, "What's wrong with Helen Hunt? ;-) You could always pullout the AquaNet and spray your bangs uphigh while you enjoy your 80s mix tape. Haha!"
Little does she know that I am listening to my 80s station on Pandora as I am typing this. And I have AquaNet hair spray sitting on my bathroom counter. Did she nail me or what!?