On October 21, a record-breaking $204,000 was raised for Transformance, Inc. (formerly Consumer Credit Counseling Service of Greater Dallas) from the nearly 500 attendees at 6th Annual “Purses with a Purpose” charity fundraising event held at the Frontiers of Flight Museum at Love Field. The amount is the most ever raised in the six-year history of the event and came largely from matching gifts and those bidding on the extravagant collection of purses donated to the cause of helping women and families in need. Deborah Ferguson, KXAS NBC 5 morning anchor, served as the celebrity emcee and keynote speaker Carmen Rita Wong, CNBC financial contributor and author of The Real Cost of Living, spoke to the guests about empowering their own financial literacy journeys. “Purses with a Purpose is our signature annual fundraising event and I couldn’t be more thrilled with the results,” said Ken Goodgames, president and CEO of Transformance. “We also officially announced our name change from Consumer Credit Counseling of Greater Dallas to Transformance and the success story provides a dramatic backdrop for what our future holds.” Event proceeds underwrite community outreach and financial education classes provided to low-to-moderate income families, especially those headed by women. www.transformanceusa.org.