Not only did she get them tickets. She got them VIP passes to go down onto the field and watch the players up close and personal as they warmed up for the game. I'm not sure what was more exciting for the kids: seeing the players or getting to wear the lanyard with their name on it and eat hot dogs.
Randy asked me if I thought Little Man appreciated the experience. Hmmmm, yes and no. I think he enjoyed it, but appreciated it? That's something he'll look back on 10 years from now and say, "Wow, I got to do a lot of cool stuff when I was a kid." Now, Randy? He enjoyed and appreciated it. It was very exciting for them to attend one of the last games ever played in Texas Stadium and see some of the Cowboy super stars practicing 20 feet away.

And what a fantastic game! The 'boys are still alive and kickin' for the Playoffs! Yahoo!!