They have drained the creek quite a bit to repair sections of the retaining wall. It's been like that for several months now, so the mud has hardened. The boys thought this was cool to jump off the wall and walk out to the water. The newly dried earth revealed many "treasures". Fresh water clams (giant one pictured here), snail shells, many golf balls and a Texas license plate were among the discoveries.
We had taken stale hot dog buns so the boys could feed the ducks and swans. We spied a mama duck who had 10 little ducklings swimming behind her. They were so adorable. Little Man got a little close to the edge and bloop, sank up to his knee in the mud. He pulled his leg out and lost his Croc shoe. Then he had to stick his arm down in the mud up to his elbow to retrieve it. And it was nasty, stinky lake mud too. They didn't care. They thought it was hilarious. He found a spot a little further down where he could sit on a big rock and wash off all the mud. And on we went.
In some places the creek is 12 feet deep and as wide as a river. in other places, it's knee-deep or less and much narrower. The boys liked the parts where they could wade in the creek and splash around. They chased fish and ducks and skipped rocks, swung on fallen branches and had a wonderful time. After two hours of hiking, I was exhausted and we headed back to the car. A stop at Braum's for ice-cream was a wonderful end to the afternoon!