Oh So Cynthia is about showcasing the city of Dallas and what makes it a fabulous place to live. From food to fashion, reality TV to movie premiers, cultural events to business deals, this city is happening and the people who live and create here are affecting change, not only in our city, but all around the world! I'm a girl with champagne tastes on a soda-pop budget, so I am all about smart shopping. Throughout the holiday season, I will be bringing you a series of posts that will combine both of these concepts - Shop Local/Shop Smart - bringing you great gift ideas for under $200 from local designers and businesses.
Up first is a little something for the girly-girl in your life:
In 1999, Esthetician Margo McIntosh, was inspired by many of her clients to develop spa style products they could use in the privacy and convenience of their own home and receive the same amazing results they get at a spa without time and scheduling constraints and over-inflated prices. The entire time working in the spa, Margo experimented with what salts worked and which ones didn't and the same for the oils and the fragrances. From that experience and true interest, Margo created her own Sea Salt Scrub using the best of the best of all 3 ingredients that are in the jar: The best salt, the best oil and the best fragrance.
I am not really a bath person, so I asked regular Guest Contributor, Porsha Thomas, to test out this product for me. Here's her review:
I'm the kind of girl who needs her bath to relax. It's seriously been this way since I were about 12. Bath preparation was always the same, I would snoop through my Mom's old school CD collection (the one I wasn't supposed to touch) on the hunt for Etta James, spark my dollar store tea light candles, and relax in my pretend-adulthood game.
Aside from looking all lovely and glowing after my weekly scrub and soak session, I love that Margo's Sea Salt Scrub is made completely of natural ingredients. Blooming Earth, my fragrance of choice, combines fresh grass, Patchouli, Lavender and Green Tea with ancient sea salt and jojoba oil. The end result is a light "woodsy" scent with a feminine twist, and skin so soft you won't believe!
Margo's Sea Salt Scrubs can be ordered online or found at several local retailers throughout Dallas.
Up first is a little something for the girly-girl in your life:
Margo's Sea Salt Scrubs ($34)
In 1999, Esthetician Margo McIntosh, was inspired by many of her clients to develop spa style products they could use in the privacy and convenience of their own home and receive the same amazing results they get at a spa without time and scheduling constraints and over-inflated prices. The entire time working in the spa, Margo experimented with what salts worked and which ones didn't and the same for the oils and the fragrances. From that experience and true interest, Margo created her own Sea Salt Scrub using the best of the best of all 3 ingredients that are in the jar: The best salt, the best oil and the best fragrance.
I am not really a bath person, so I asked regular Guest Contributor, Porsha Thomas, to test out this product for me. Here's her review:
I'm the kind of girl who needs her bath to relax. It's seriously been this way since I were about 12. Bath preparation was always the same, I would snoop through my Mom's old school CD collection (the one I wasn't supposed to touch) on the hunt for Etta James, spark my dollar store tea light candles, and relax in my pretend-adulthood game.
Aside from looking all lovely and glowing after my weekly scrub and soak session, I love that Margo's Sea Salt Scrub is made completely of natural ingredients. Blooming Earth, my fragrance of choice, combines fresh grass, Patchouli, Lavender and Green Tea with ancient sea salt and jojoba oil. The end result is a light "woodsy" scent with a feminine twist, and skin so soft you won't believe!
Margo's Sea Salt Scrubs can be ordered online or found at several local retailers throughout Dallas.